Good Doggy! Confidence building, leash reactivity [Streaming Video]

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Good Doggy! Confidence building, leash reactivity [Streaming Video]:
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Here is board and train Andy. We are visiting a local pet store. He has had a good foundation of obedience already with owner. Andy is lacking confidence. He needs true leadership so he knows what is to be expected and that he can fully trust. He is a friendly dog and is nice around other dogs as well. When dogs get mixed signals it makes them confused in who is leader and whether or not they can trust that leadership. Andy has become overtime unpredictable in his leash reactivity. Here we are having him do a calm stationary down. He can look but not react to what is around him. He has visited many pet stores. That's not the issue. It's the energy you have while in the store with him. Don't just let him make choices on his own. Be a leader inside the store and out. Then you will have success. Be consistent. Then it won't matter if in the store, or the sidewalk of a cafe. Advocate for him and be mindful of others, their energy and the energy and body language of their dogs.